Efrain Sain: Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer
A Passion for Justice: The Journey of Efrain Sain, Criminal Defense Lawyer
Ever since I decided to become an attorney, my goal was to make a tangible difference in people's lives. This passion led me to specialize in criminal defense, where the stakes are always high, and every courtroom appearance truly matters.

Why I Became a Defense Attorney
When I was in 5th grade a long, long time ago, we moved to a small town, south of San Antonio. We did not know that the town was divided by the train tracks, with the Mexican-Americans living on one side and the whites on the other. We happened to rent a house on the “white” side.
My family was surprised when I received my first report card, and I had a failing grade for English. I had always done well in school, so my mom made an appointment with the teacher to talk about what I needed to do to improve.
My mom and I moved from Mexico when I was 5. We both learned English at the same time. My mom had a very thick Spanish accent.
When we got to the school, my mom asked the teacher, who was tall and white, what we could do to improve. “Should I have him do more reading assignments? He has never had a problem in school. We need to address this issue.”
The teacher replied that there really was nothing that could be done, it was a cultural problem that would not be able to be remedied.
As rays of the late afternoon sun lit up the classroom, I remember seeing my mom stand tall, all 5 feet of her, and tell the teacher, in her thick accent, that, “Yes, there is something we can do. This is not acceptable.” I noticed my mom was upset as we walked home.
I was 11 years old. I did not understand everything that was going on. I was surprised and scared for my mom. In my short life, a teacher was one of the main authority figures in my life. Is that OK to talk to her like that?
But when I received my next report card, I had good grades again in English. I did not do any remedial assignments, no extra reading, etc.
It was not until I had been practicing criminal defense for several years that I realized how deeply that event had influenced me so many years later.
Speak truth to power when things are not acceptable. That is what criminal defense attorneys do.
And little Mexican mothers.
A DFW Criminal Defense Lawyer Serving Clients Across Texas
While my practice is primarily based in the DFW area, I have successfully defended cases throughout Texas. Contact my firm, the Law Office of Efrain Sain, PLLC, for a free consultation. If you feel confident in our meeting, I am eager to fight for you and protect your rights.
Efrain Sain is a member of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Denton County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, and the Dallas County Defense Lawyers Association.